My name is Boomer. I like to roll in smelly things on the ground. I now get bathed with a dog soap bar. It smells lovely like the garden. Its green like my eyes. I like green things….. my tennis ball is green.

Boomer Earthen dog soap in bath review green tennis ball

*Boomer’s parents ordered Earthen’s Hemp & Aloe Soap.

I am pikelet. I am very little & I had red sore paws. I used the Sore Feet Fizzies and even after one bath (which I really hate) my feet felt a lot better. I now have to have a bath every month- lucky me!

Pikelet chihuahua small dog sore itch red feet bath time

*Pikelet’s mum ordered Earthen’s Sore Feet Fizzie (small)

I am Mischievous Maisha. I take my dad running all the time in dirty puddles & mud. I smell delicious after our run. On the ride home we have the car windows down & dad calls me Stinky. My dad scrubs me with a soap bar that is white with black bits. I then have a snooze after our adventure together.

Dashund stinky dog dad running soap bar adevntures mischievous dirty

*Maisha’s dad ordered Earthen’s Lemon & Poppy Seed Soap.

Hi, my name is Snoopy. I like snuggles on the sofa, treats & walks in the park. I don’t like loud noises, lots of people or being left on my own. I can feel sad & I don’t know what to do so I hide. I now have some Calm Balm that makes me brave. I feel better with the noises & people. I feel super brave & grown up so I can be left home alone without me being scared.

Snoopy dog grey schnauzer loud noises sad calm balm scared snuggles home alone

*Snoopy’s mum ordered Earthen’s Calm Balm

Hello I am Molly. I act like a silly sausage in the car. I get all stressed out! My mum put balm on me, I feel calmer & now just enjoy the ride. Sweet.

Molly stressed car journey calm balm small dog grey furry

*Molly’s mum ordered Earthen’s Calm Balm.

My name is Ma & I dug around in the firepit. I burnt my nose, it was bad. It was so sore & stingy. My mum put on special ouchie balm and it doesn’t hurt anymore. My mum said I’m still beautiful.

Ma english bullterrier reviews burnt nose balm beautiful mum stingy

*Ma’s mum ordered Earthen’s Kawakawa Dog Balm.

Kevin black Labrador dog barking happy snooze quiet calm review earthen dog product

My name is Kevin. Sometimes, I lose my mind for no reason beacuse I am a teenager. I can bark at nothing for ages! My mum put some balm on me & I had a happy snooze. She came looking for me as I was so quiet. Mum told me there was someone at the door, I let out a growl then decided to snooze again. I don’t know why my mum was so happy but she was!

*Kevin’s mum ordered Earthen’s Calm Balm.

Hi I am Lexi, I get very nervous, so my mum got me some Calm Balm. I had to go to the scary vets (which I do NOT like). Normally, I shake uncontrollably & climb on my mum for reassurance. With the Calm Balm I felt relaxed & I got biscuits from the vets. My mum was super happy with me.

*Lexi’s mum ordered Calm Balm.

I am Alex, I get to play in the lake with my friends. We find lots of things in the lake. My dad baths me with a soap on a rope. It’s fun & Dad says he had a soap like this when he was my age. He says I don’t smell of the lake anymore.

*Alex’s dad ordered Sea Clay Soap on a Rope.

Hello I’m Perry. My human brother Leon put a poo in our mum’s shoe. She thought it was from me. When mum put her shoe on Leon laughed. Mum didn’t. I got a treat & mum put the poo in Leon’s bath. I wonder who did the poo?

*Perry’s brother ordered a realistic dog poo soap - human use.

Moin everyone, it's Baloo! I was born on the streets of Romania, now proudly calling Hamburg my home. I love the beach & we often go on the weekend, but mainly I’m a real city dog, with real city paws, all hard & dry. My mom used regular oil to try to soften them, but that didn’t really help. One day she brought back a special paw balm from New Zealand, & besides a great taste, my paws are super soft now for days! I love showing them off. So, if you see me around, don't hesitate to say hello to the pup with the happiest & softest paws in town!

*Baloo’s mom ordered Paw Balm.

Floyd big dog mixed mutt balm mum and dad earthen review

Hi I am Floyd. I am big & brave but I got a little bit scared during storms. My mum & dad put balm on me & I slept like a log all night. I am still big & brave.

*Floyd’s parents ordered Earthen’s Calm Balm.

I am Beautiful Bella. My mum likes to take me to the beach & the park. I like to roll in stinky things - the best was a dead fish at the beach! It’s so much fun but my mum then makes me have a baths. I don’t mind as it makes my fur feels nice & my mum calls me Beautiful Bella again.

Bella french bulldog frenchie cute bath time pink towel review earthen beach stinky fish

*Bella’s mum ordered Earthen’s Charcoal & Jojoba Soap.

We are Charlie & Mac, we love to roll in the mud. We had to get bathed after playing for ages in a muddy pond. We are puppies & had a special soap just for us. We were all fluffy. Roll on the next pond adventure!

*Charlie & Mac’s parents ordered Unscented Soap suitable for puppies.

Hello, I am little Pete. I am small & my family love me lots. I get a bit itchy & had a bath with a green soap. I liked it, it makes me less itchy & scratchy. I get cuddles after my bath time.

*Little Pete’s parents ordered Hemp & Aloe Soap Bar.

Hey I am Floss & we live at the beach. I love the smell of seaweed. Mum doesn’t like it & I get to have lots of baths. She likes the special soap smell but secretly I prefer the seaweed! I have a special bath towel just for me. After my bath, I like to sunbath on it with my seaweed.

*Floss’s mum ordered Charcoal & Jojoba Soap Bar.

Hello, I’m Alan & I am so super itchy. I love rolling on the grass & playing frisbee. I scratch lots so my dad gave me a bath with a special soap. I don’t feel so itchy now. It’s nicer & I am excited for my next bathtime with it. Love Alan

*Alan’s dad ordered Apple cider vinegar Soap Bar.

Pepper west highland terrier white dog flowers bath scratch itchy luxury products nz

My name is Pepper & I had an itchy tummy. It itches all day long, so I scratch it lots & lots. My dad gave me a bath with some flowers in it. We played for ages in the bath & he gave me biscuits. I don’t itch so much now & like flower bath time with my dad. Love Pepper.

*Pepper’s dad ordered Sore Skin Fizzie.

Hi, I am Ruffles, I like to roll in the mud & do zoomies through it. I had a bath with a yellow soap on a rope. I was super clean, fluffy & smelt better. Now I am ready to go roll in the mud some more!

*Ruffles parents ordered Green Tea & Lemongrass Soap on a Rope.

My name is Oliver. I am 9 years old. I get sore folds around my nose & paws. My nanny puts balm on it & it feels better. I like it at nanny’s she gives me sausages.

*Oliver’s nanny ordered Kawakawa Paw Balm.

Hi, I am an Australian Cattle dog called Gus. I love jumping in water troughs, but I don’t like baths. Yuk! I have a double coat so it’s difficult to get shampoo to penetrate my thick wirey coat. I do get really scratchy & itchy so my mum got me a soap bar to try. I loved her massaging me with it, there were loads of suds and I feel a lot less itchy. It would be even better if she bathed me in the water trough or better still a dirty pond!

*Gus mum ordered Hemp & Aloe Soap Bar.